Two men were murdered before dawn yesterday while liming at a bar in two separate incidents.
In the first killing, which happened around 4 am, police said gunmen opened fire at Kourts Bar along Railway Road, Chaguanas, sending those present scampering for safety. After the smoke cleared and the gunman fled the scene, patrons found Christopher Williams, 28, of Joseph Lane, Enterprise, Chaguanas, dead outside the bar. Police said they had no motive for his killing.
About one hour later, police said, at Jus’ Creole Bar at Cantaro Village, Santa Cruz, a silver Nissan Tiida pulled up and opened fire. The killers then sped off. Police said Hayden O’Brien was found bleeding and was taken to the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex by relatives but was pronounced dead on arrival. Police said O’Brien, 38, of Pipiol, Cantaro Village, Santa Cruz, was killed because of gang affiliation.
The murders of the two men have taken the murder toll to 308 for the year.