Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Dookeran says T&T officials in Caracas, Venezuela, have been asked to assist in attempts to secure the release of T&T student in Saudi Arabia, Tariq Shamoon, who was detained as a suspected terrorist since August 21. After addressing a special luncheon in his honour, hosted by his ministry at the Hyatt Regency on Friday, Dookeran was questioned on the issue.
He said the officials at the T&T Embassy in Caracas, with responsibility for Saudi Arabia was advised to “inform us on the status of that matter.” Dookeran said he had not received any report as yet. Mohammed is a fourth-year student and is due to complete his degree in Arabic and theology studies at the University of Medinah next June.
Asked if he was confident the matter will be resolved speedily, Dookeran said: “I don’t know, we have to look into it and hear what they say. But we have made diplomatic contact. That is all I can say.”
Earlier Dookeran said he was deeply touched by the luncheon hosted for him. He thanked Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar for playing a direct and deliberate role in certain Foreign Affairs initiatives which have helped advance the country in the past three years. “It is the Prime Minister who, in an ultimate sense, was able to chart the foreign policy direction of our nation.
She provided what I considered to be the leadership required for building an image for T&T,” he added. He said Persad-Bissessar played critical roles in the relationship with Venezuela and made bold and courageous statements at the UN, specifically with respect to the fight against terrorism.
Dookeran also praised Persad-Bissessar for her role in T&T’s failed attempt to host the secretariat of the Small Arms Trade Treaty. He said T&T lost its bid by three votes to Switzerland last week. Dookeran thanked former chairman of the Police Service Commission Nizam Mohammed for encouraging him to enter politics more than 30 years ago.