My name is Kaleel Yearwood and I wear an Elmo suit.
I’m from Tobago but my family always told me we originated from Barbados. We are a very big family.
I’m from Scarborough side but most of the Yearwoods are from one area in Tobago, Darell Spring. I went to Scarborough Secondary. I played indoor and outdoor volleyball and I actually won T&T over-18 high jump last year. I’m the reigning champ but I’m out of school now so I don’t know what’s going on in terms of sports life in school.
I have parental support for national level volleyball and plenty Tobago support, too. A lot of people pushing me to go, so a Tobagonian could actually be on the team.
I miss school. Right now I just have to wake up in the morning and work. I’m out there in society now and have to deal with life! No three sets of holidays a year. So I’m thinking about going back to school and study and become a PE teacher.
I’ll take a little drink every now and again. In the society I grow up in, nobody want to drink beers again. Everybody want to drink the big stuff all the singers drinking: Ciroc, Hennessey, Moet. And that is real money. Like $2,000 and up for a bottle! I now start work and that’s what I’m supposed to buy! But that’s the society I come out of, that’s the generation. So you have to keep up.
I go to the movies a lot—but I LOVE cartoons. You know what it is, I carrying out a girl and she ask, “What movie?” and I say, “Girl, we going and watch Minions! Either that or Sponge Bob!” You have to adapt to me! I not changing my channel to watch BET! No! I watching Disney Channel! I am full cartoon! And is my dad have me so today.
I’m part of a promotional group in Tobago. That’s actually the purpose of the Elmo suit. We promote basically every big event in Tobago. We’ll have the whole Sesame Street. For events and parties and stuff. But, for now, we just have Elmo. And I am Elmo. I like to see the kids’ reaction on their face: Wait! Elmo come out the TV and he actually here! Everybody’s just pause.
I could promote anything, even political parties. I could wear (red) Elmo for PNM and (yellow) Big Bird for UNC/TOP.
Kids like to try to raise up the Elmo head when they get close. They’s be pulling off the gloves! They get confused: they know is Elmo, ’cause they see it on TV, but to see it in real, is be terrifying for them. Especially how big I am!
It is extremely hot inside an Elmo costume. I have to powder up before I go below there. And still all your clothing’s be wet! That is the down side. But the nice side is seeing how children react.
I’m more comfortable in Tobago. I know everybody in Tobago. When I’m in Trinidad, I don’t know anybody. Trinidad like a big city now: is all kind of people who move to Trinidad; people from America, from Jamaica, all kind of different characters.
I have an “A” in my ears. That stand for “Anna,” that’s my girlfriend. She bought those earrings and demanded I put them up here. So they went up here. Everywhere I go, she goes with me. I’m marked by an “A”! You can’t get a higher grade.
I like dancehall. When I’m in the Elmo costume, I want to hear music I can dance to. When kids see Elmo doing routines, they like that!
Tobago J’Ouvert is the moment when everybody’s come out of their shell and let go. Free up. Is an enjoyment. You have Scarborough J’Ouvert and countryside J’Ouvert. I prefer the countryside. Mainly because the A in my ears is from Roxborough, so I don’t have a choice: countryside it is!
A Tobagonian is somebody accustomed to we traditions. If you weren’t born here but grew up here, within a year, you become a Tobagonian. Because you adapt to our style of living. Like going on the beach, we pork, we crab-and-dumplings. Once you from Tobago, you don’t play with crab-and-dumpling or beach!
Trinidad & Tobago to me is the place I feel most comfortable. Where I’m among people just like me: creative; relaxed.
Read a longer version of this feature at www.BCRaw.com