A discussion is currently taking place with the Attorney General on revisiting or changing the current situation of free, unrestricted/unhindered entry of T&T nationals who have joined the Islamic State (ISIS), National Security Minister Edmund Dillon confirmed yesterday.
He alluded to the discussion, but said he couldn’t give details, in the Senate when UNC Senator Wayne Sturge asked if Government was revisiting or changing the free, unrestricted/unhindered entry of T&T “jihadists” now with Isis. Dillon later said the discussion with the AG was for T&T’s safety and security.
“This Government wants to make it abundantly clear that it recognises the global threat posed by ISIS and the horrific atrocities recently committed on the French people by the ISIS phenomena” Dillon added, detailing heightened vigilance measures by T&T authorities following last Friday’s terrorist attacks on Paris.
Some 129 people died and 352 were injured when eight terrorists, including suicide bombers, attacked seven Paris locations. ISIS claimed responsibility.
A manhunt is on for the eighth attacker. International forces name Abdelhamid Abaoud as the mastermind. France has carried out retaliatory air strikes on ISIS locations. ISIS has now threatened strikes on the US.
Last night’s T&T/US football game at the National Stadium featured extremely tight safety and security measures with the National Security Ministry urging attendees to report any suspicious activities at the match to security units.
Yesterday, in the Senate Dillon detailed heightened measures in local systems, while replying to a question from UNC Senator Wade Mark on steps to ensure the safety and security of citizens, in light of nationals being recruited by ISIS and following the France attacks.
Dillon said the following measures have been instituted:
• Tightened immigration controls at air/sea ports.
• Reinforced aerial/maritime surveillance patrols.
• Tightened customs inspections.
• Reinforced security management at air/sea ports.
• Heightened systems also apply to the “ground” in T&T.
• Continued relations with the Joint Regional Communication Centre and Regional Intelligence Centre to facilitate necessary intelligence to allow T&T to deal with the ISIS phenomenon.
• Continued liaising with international partners regarding intelligence and information that can be provided based on their intelligence agencies in areas of operations.
• Continued liaising with international partners regarding intelligence and information especially regarding T&T citizens who are participating in ISIS.
Sturge also asked how many T&T nationals were actively involved with ISIS. Dillon said he could not give an accurate figure at that time and was awaiting official confirmation from international partners. He said he could not average. “One has to be exact. I prefer to wait on the exact figure based on intelligence,” he added.
Hours after the Paris attacks, the T&T Guardian confirmed that 89 T&T nationals, including families, had joined ISIS. Dillon later estimated it was around 80-plus.
Following yesterday’s Senate, Sturge said under current law, any T&T citizen who had joined ISIS was free to re-enter T&T.
He added: “There are big concerns in T&T about this. Many tell me they are concerned we are exporting jihadists and that those people who are experienced in fighting in such (terrorist) situations might return with their ‘expertise’ and we in T&T would be at greater risk once they return with foreign ideologies and skills.”
Sturge said legislative changes to change current unrestricted access would involve first amending the Immigration Act to provide for immediate detention on re-entry and interrogation.
He said that would have to apply to all persons involved with ISIS, including families.
“You can’t differentiate if people are innocent or guilty until they are questioned and you verify their statements.
“The second thing needed is to amend the Anti-Terrorism Act regarding those returnees.
“It can’t be business as usual where they are free to return without hindrance, knowing their ideologies are not in synch with ours and that their stay with ISIS has equipped them to carry out terrorist activities,” Sturge added.