Opposition leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar is wishing her opponents Vasant Bharath and Dr Roodal Moonilal good luck in their attempt to remove her from the helm of the party’s leadership. Both men, who are long-standing United National Congress members, are contesting for the political leader post in the UNC’s December 5 internal elections.
Speaking briefly to reporters during Divali celebrations at her Siparia constituency office on Saturday night, Persad-Bissessar shied away from commenting on the three-way race. Asked if she was surprised that Bharath had thrown his hat in the ring, however, Persad-Bissessar said: “I wish them luck. I can say more but not now, maybe after Divali. This is not the place to speak about that.”
Her annual celebrations were not as well attended as in previous years. Most of the reserved seats at the front of the stage remained empty, as none of her elected Parliamentary colleagues attended the celebrations. Dressed in a red and gold sari, Persad-Bissessar and her niece Lisa Harry performed puja for an hour before she walked over to her guests and distributed parsad.
Princes Town MP Barry Padarath, who is supporting Persad-Bissessar in the elections said, he had his own constituency celebrations on Saturday night but planned to attend Persad-Bissessar’s celebrations later on. Fyzabad MP Lackram Bodoe, who has also thrown his support behind Persad-Bissessar, said he could not attend the celebrations in Penal as he was hosting his own light-up in Fyzabad.
“I am quite pleased that the internal elections has been called.
“The current political leader at this time is the right person to be given the role to continue to restructure the party,” Bodoe said.
“Based on her previous achievements and potential to carry the party forward, as well as her ability to embrace and enhance leadership, I am supporting her at this point in time.”
Bharath confirmed his decision to contest on Sunday after a final meeting with his slate, which includes UNC San Juan/Barataria MP Fuad Khan. Several East-West corridor UNC units are also supporting Bharath. Khan said Bharath’s supporters included MPs Ramona Ramdial, Rudy Indarsingh, Bhoe Tewarie and ex-UNC ministers Brent Sancho, Stacy Roopnarine, Steven Cadiz, Garvin Nicholas and Jairam Seemungal.
Sources said Persad-Bissessar has support from Padarath, Bodoe, Suruj Rambachan, Rodney Charles, Rushton Paray and David Lee. Moonilal’s supporters include MP Tim Gopeesingh, who will contest the chairmanship on his slate, Gerry Yetming, ex-CNMG CEO Ken Ali, former Office of the Prime Minister aide Francis Joseph and Kevan Gibbs.