Kublalsingh told members of the media at a news conference in Debe on Wednesday, that Hinds called him earlier this week and has agreed to two meetings with him.
Kublalsingh’s determination and a fast to have that leg re routed, failed to get a responsive ear from the Kamla Persad Bissessar People’s Partnership administration. Following the September 7 elections, he wrote to Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley requesting a meeting in his bid to have that leg redesigned so as to elminate problems of flooding it has already wrath on residents along that path of the highway. The letter was also copied to Hinds and Minister of Planning, Camille Robinson-Regis.
Kublalsingh held his news conference at the home of one of the affected residents, partially blind widow Jasso Sookdeo.
Kublalsingh called on government to reduce the height of the embankments built along the Debe to Mon Desir leg. He said the embankment, built to support the portion of the highway that runs parallel to Debe Trace, has caused water to remain trapped , preventing its ablility to run-off into the nearby Oropouche River. He also called on government to reconsider the HRM’s Optimum Connectivity Report, which it noted the previous administration refused to do.