A soldier charged with the murder of his almost 23-month-old daughter appeared before a Sangre Grande Magistrate yesterday.
Lance Corporal Kerros Martin, 29, of Jacelon Trace, Vega de Oropouche was remanded in prison custody by senior Magistrate Debra Quintyne in the Sangre Grande First Court. The accused is expected to return to court on February 5.
Martin is accused of killing Soriah Martin on December 12, last year during an altercation at her uncle’s home in Sangre Grande.
Soriah was shot in her head while the child’s uncle, Gregory Harracksingh, was shot in his right arm. Soriah died at the hospital. The accused was also charged with wounding Harracksingh.
The 29-year-old soldier with 12 years service was last attached to the Special Forces, based at Teteron Barracks, Chaguaramas.