The Port-of-Spain City Corporation will be putting a tight squeeze on vending in Port-of-Spain for Carnival 2018.
Port-of-Spain mayor Joel Martinez said that vending would not be permitted on Ariapita Avenue during the Carnival season.
In an interview yesterday, Martinez said that unregistered vendors will have their goods carted away by the police.
He said the police had a mandate to assist the Corporation and they would know who the registered vendors were.
"They will have to move unregistered vendors and we have to start complying with the law and bring order to the society. It has to be managed and we will allow the police to do their job in that regard and ask the police to assist us in making the city safe," he said.
He said the corporation was looking at the management of the vending on Ariapita Avenue over the years.
"We need to find out what is our best solution and there a lot of vendors that are not in the system and come in people's driveways and we want people to use the sidewalk and the band the roadway. We are looking at possibly trying to manage that," he said.
Junior Lewis, president of the Charlotte Street Vendors Association said that if the vendors were interested they would apply to sell their goods on those days.
"We don't usually come out and sell on Carnival Monday and Tuesday but if they want they can apply," he said.