Karina Warrick-John and Aarti Lutchmesingh have been named the recipients of the Association of Female Executives of T&T (Afett) Women’s Development Fund (WDF) Bursary Award for the academic year 2017/2018.
In its quest to “Make Women Winners”, Afett has had a long history of promoting the development of female executives and has also seen it fit to support the personal and educational advancement of girls and young women.
In 2012 Afett launched its Women’s Development Fund (WDF) in
commemoration of its tenth anniversary. The fund has as its main feature two annual academic
undergraduate bursaries.
"Afett is delighted to announce the selection of two ambitious and promising young ladies as its
2017/2018 WDF Bursary Award Recipients. Well deserved congratulations are extended to
Warrick-John (Nursing) and Lutchmesingh (Actuarial Science)," a release states.
These young ladies were each presented with their $5,000 bursary award cheques to further assist in their career development along with free associate membership with Afett for one year by Afett’s RPA director.