Fishermen yesterday found the body of a Piarco woman at Patience Bay, Galera Road, Toco.
Police said around 6.30 am, fishermen were on their way to go fishing when they found the body of Maxine Lewis, 21, on the shoreline in only a bra. A report was made to the nearby Toco Police Station and Sgt Sookdeo, PCs Wallace and Singh responded.
Lewis was found with her hands stretched above her head and clad in a bra and underwear, which was slightly removed.
The officers cordoned off the area to prevent curious villagers from entering. Police officers from Homicide Region II Arouca later joined them and carried out a search for any clues. However, police were unable to determine whether Lewis was killed or possibly committed suicide up to last evening.
Villagers said Lewis was unknown to them but one woman remembered Lewis, of Oropune Gardens, Piarco, travelling in a maxi taxi with her to Toco this week.
District Medical Officer Dr Chandolu viewed the body and ordered its removal to the Forensic Science Centre, St James, where an autopsy will be conducted today to determine cause of death.
Police contacted Lewis’ relatives who said she was last seen on Wednesday and was in good spirits. They were confused as to how she got to Toco.
Homicide officers from Region II Arouca are investigating.