Northern Division say, so far, for the month they have removed ten guns from the streets and are 16 guns away from meeting their mandated quota of 100 guns in the division set by acting Commissioner of Police Stephen Williams.
Speaking at a press conference yesterday at the Maloney Police Station head of the division, Snr Supt David Abraham, thanked his officers for the work they have been doing and encouraged them to do more.
He said the ten guns and 91 rounds of assorted ammunition were seized between October 3 through 12 in various areas in the division. A total of 15 people were held in relation to the guns and ammunition found. The guns included a shotgun, two revolvers and seven pistols.
Supt Hendron Moses boasted that the 100-gun quota could be met by the end of the month as long as the officers kept up their diligent work. Smaller divisions have been set a target of 60 guns for the year. He thanked the public for assisting them and encouraged them to continue to partner with them.
Moses said during the various exercises 158 people were arrested on outstanding warrants, possession of marijuana and cocaine. He said apart from the guns found the officers also stopped a brothel from operating and arrested 19 people, including 11 women.