Young people in Cocorite are calling for more focus on poverty eradication in the 2015/2016 budget. They also want pay increases for police officers as they believe that will help put a better dent on crime.
“That extra money will surely motivate them to come in here and talk to us on a regular basis because as it is now, the police have no time to do that because their pay cheques are not attractive. I want them to get a raise in their salaries,” a young man said as a party of police officers led by Acting Senior Superintendent Nazrool Hosein did a walkabout in the area, distributing pamphlets with crime tips and flyers advertising a town meeting carded for 6 pm tomorrow at the Cocorite Community Centre.
Hosein, who spoke with reporters before the walkabout, said 15 illegal firearms have been taken off the streets in the Western Division in recent weeks, including five in the Cocorite area in the past two weeks.
“Most of the crimes in the country are gun-related offences, especially the murders. We in the Western Division are on a drive to get the guns off the streets. This is a mandate by the Acting Commissioner of Police Stephen Williams,” he said.
Hosein said he wanted sent a loud and clear message to the residents of the area that the police are for them and not against them.
“We want to partner with them and we want them to know that as police officers there is no difference between us. They need to know we are their friends and we intend to bring the community closer to us,” he said.
Founder and manager of the St James Police Youth Club PC Derrick Sharbodie, who took part in the walk, said a great deal of work has to be done with young people.
“We have to show them that someone cares and we have to show them that there are hidden talents in them that need to be tapped into and showcased. The young people have potential and they can be a part of something constructive and learn to occupy their time constructively,” he said.