Valdeen Shears-Neptune
Police are seeking the assistance of overhead CCTV cameras at the Queen’s Park Savannah, to determine whether one or two cars were involved in the accident which left Isiah Scoon hospitalised.
One week after being struck in the vicinity of the President’s Grounds, where he had gone for football training, Scoon, 13, is still in serious condition at the ICU of the Children’s Hospital, Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex, Mt Hope.
He suffered head and internal injuries, as well as two broken legs and had to receive blood.
Initial reports, last Sunday, were that Scoon might have been hit by two vehicles. However, only one driver came forward to report the matter and has been liaising with the family and assisting police in their investigation.
New information coming to hand is that the second vehicle rolled over the youth. There is no evidence to support this information, and the police are seeking video footage before proceeding further with investigations.
According to relatives, the Standard Five student of Eastern Boys’ Government Primary School had gone to the Savannah for routine football training. He was missed by relatives later that evening and a missing person’s report was made at the Besson Street Police Station.
Officers later contacted the family with news that a child had been involved in an accident and the description fitted Scoon. Sunday Guardian spoke to the driver who made that report, but he wished to remain anonymous. The man said he remained traumatised and was seeking counselling. His girlfriend, who accompanied the doctor to the hospital, has been crying constantly, he said.
“I can’t sleep, I can’t eat. I can’t even sit in a car, it’s like deja vu. It real hard, I wish this had never happened. I want the little boy to recover quickly and my family, my girlfriend’s family are all praying for his speedy recovery. I want more than anything to see him grow up,” he said.
According to the driver, the accident happened within seconds. “One minute I was in the centre lane near the grounds, with vehicles on my side and back, and the next something just appeared dead centre in front my car.” He said he swerved to avoid hitting the child, but it was too late.
Soldiers from President’s House assisted in placing Scoon into the vehicle of the doctor, who took the unconscious child to the hospital. The driver said, while he may not have a lot of resources, he would be willing to assist financially if need be.
Investigations are continuing.