Members of the security detail guarding outgoing Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar yesterday came under fire for abandoning her after she lost Monday’s general election.
The claims came from members of her Penal constituency who questioned how the Special Branch officers allowed Persad-Bissessar to leave her constituency office in an unsecured private vehicle for her home at Phillipine, San Fernando, after she addressed supporters and said she would not go to the traditional Rienzi Complex, Couva, home base for a concession speech.
They also queried whether officers of the security detail who told her earlier that the official vehicle PM1 was not working had deliberately misled her. (See Page A6)
The concerns about what they called a clear security breach were raised after video footage circulated of Persad-Bissessar opening and entering a white Toyota car, licensed PDA 9309, in the absence of any of the Special Branch officers who normally accompany her.
Persad Bissessar, accompanied by her sister Vidawatie Newton and another unidentified person in the back seat of the vehicle, along with the civilian driver, then left minus any of the escort vehicles shortly after midnight when the crowd had left.
Eyewitnesses said after her concession speech she went into a private room and emerged some time later and headed for the white car which had reversed in front the official vehicle.
Persad-Bissessar was reportedly told the official vehicle was experiencing some ignition problems and would have to be towed away by a wrecker.
However, constituency officials said yesterday there were other vehicles in her detail which could have been used and it was very strange that PM 1, which is checked every day, experienced mechanical problems only upon her defeat.
One person who claimed to be an eyewitness alleged after she left in the private vehicle, PM 1 was driven off by Special Branch officers.
An eyewitness described what happened on the night:
“She came down the stairs looking depressed and distressed. There was no security around her. She greeted some people who had remained and shook their hands.
“She then headed towards the white car, which was reversed in front of PM 1. She walked towards it, opened the door, sat in the left back seat and closed the door herself.
“Her sister Wattie was seated on the right and there was another person in the middle. The driver was a civilian. They drove off without any police escort although there were some black jeeps on the road.
“After she left the officers jumped in the car and drove off. No wrecker towed it away.”
A senior officer from the Southern Division said yesterday he was alarmed at the claims as the Penal Police Station was next door to the Siparia constituency office but no one sought their help.
The officer said assistance could have been sought to take Persad-Bissessar home as she remained Prime Minister until People’s National Movement leader Dr Keith Rowley was sworn in later today. Following his swearing in, Persad-Bissessar will also continue to be afforded security for another three months.
Ex-PM: I told them to leave
Contacted yesterday, T&T Police Service head of corporate communications, Ellen Lewis, said claims that Special Branch officers attached to the PM’s security detail had abandoned their post were untrue.
Lewis said she spoke to Special Branch head, ACP Earla Christopher, who assured her officers were on the duty to escort Persad-Bissessar home.
“The official car experienced engine problems and it was understood the Prime Minister opted to travel home in the company of a relative and that vehicle was escorted by Special Branch personnel,” Lewis told the T&T Guardian.
“The Special Branch did not vacate the side of Mrs Persad-Bissessar. There is no truth to the allegation or the report that Special Branch officers vacated the side of the Prime Minister following the outcome of the general election.”
However, another official within the Police Service told the T&T Guardian Persad-Bissessar seemed to be upset at the election results and indicated to the officers she had no further need for their services.
The official said the officers refused to depart from her side and remained on site to ensure full security.
Contacted via text message yesterday, Persad-Bissessar too said she was not abandoned by the security detail. However, she confirmed she left in a private vehicle without a security detail.
“I told them they could leave as I had other transport. When they attempted to leave the car did not start. Seems the car wanted to stay,” she responded.
But attorney Subhas Panday said Persad-Bissessar was not authorised to instruct Special Branch officers to leave. He said only the head of the Special Branch could have made those decisions.
“She is still the substantive Prime Minister until 1.30 pm tomorrow (today) when Dr Rowley is sworn in. As a result, she ought to be in the protective custody of the State. Suppose someone had shot her in that unguarded moment?” he asked.
“In the circumstances the Special Branch should not have taken her on. They should have performed their duties and escorted her home. Protocol should have been observed,” he added.