The Media Association of T&T (MATT) yesterday called on newly elected Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley to commit to working transparently and respectfully with the media.
In a press release yesterday, the association congratulated Rowley and all elected MPs whom the electorate had charged with the responsibility to govern T&T for the next term.
“As the nation enters this new chapter, MATT assures the population that we remain committed to promoting the principles of a free press,” the release said.
“We look forward to commitments from the new government to engage transparently and respectfully with the media to uphold the principles of press freedom and to allow journalists to perform their duties in an environment free from intimidation.”
MATT commended its members and the wider community of journalists for their tireless work across radio, television, print and digital formats during the election season.
“In the lead up to and during yesterday’s (Monday’s) national poll, journalists and media workers performed the vital task of reporting on all facets of the election campaign and the national polls to ensure that the population remained informed. “
MATT also saluted citizens of all political affiliations who engaged in the political process that culminated in Monday’s general election
“Citizens once again calmly and peacefully exercised their franchise to elect a government to lead Trinidad and Tobago and for this we commend them all.”
Acknowledging the role of the Opposition in Parliament, the association reminded citizens that in this new political configuration, elected members of the People’s Partnership were entrusted with the duty to hold the Government accountable and present the views of an alternative government.
“A key pillar in the democratic election process is the work of the media. In a society as diverse as ours, where the bicameral parliamentary system may not always represent the interests of all citizens, the media's commitment to promoting the public interest remains paramount.”