Police have requested video footage which may assist them in investigating the death of Guyanese national Keith Miller who had his head crushed in an accident Thursday evening.
According to police reports, Miller, 53, who they say had no relatives in the country, was employed as a security officer with Boriserv Security Company. Police said Miller was found around 6.45 pm Thursday after he left his work station with a bunch of keys.
His body was found during a search for him on the Maritime compound, Barataria, where the security firm is based. Police said they had no information regarding reports that Miller’s body may have been dragged a few metres after he was involved in a vehicular accident. A picture of Miller’s body in a ditch with his head squashed began circulating on WhatsApp Thursday night. Police also stated that they could not say if Miller was involved in a vehicular accident and have not made any rulings on his death so far.