Health Minister Fuad Khan yesterday denied that suppliers had cut off credit to the South West Regional Health Authority (SWRHA) resulting in a shortage of essential supplies reaching patients.
The shortage of ECG paper, X-ray films, reagents and other essential supplies was highlighted yesterday morning by People’s National Movement (PNM) candidate for San Fernando West Faris Al-Rawi.
At a press conference at Balisier House yesterday Al-Rawi criticised the spending of his opposing UNC candidate Raziah Ahmed on fireworks while patients’ lives were at risk.
Al-Rawi called on Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar to instruct Khan to address the matter.
“He said he had been informed that $17 million dollars was owed to SWRHA suppliers, who were refusing to continue supplies.
Al-Rawi said as a result of Government’s failure to honour its debts, patients’ lives were being affected.
In a telephone interview yesterday Khan, who admitted that suppliers were demanding payment at all the regional authorities, said the matter had already been addressed.
“Two weeks ago we issued a release to all the RHAs to pay the staff and suppliers,” Khan said.
“We are still getting supplies. The suppliers had threatened to cut off supplies unless they received up front payment for goods.
He said he was told the reason for the threats was because suppliers were afraid that they would not receive payment for their services if the PNM was elected to government.
“The thing is I am aware of it, but all the regions run on credit. Each RHA has to pay around $50 million,” Khan said.
He said the situation at the SWRHA was slightly different as the regional authority had a very high employment cost.
“They tend to pay staff first and the suppliers after. Suppliers calling me and they are saying they want all their money up front. They are afraid if PNM gets into power they will not be paid.
“I don’t know if Al-Rawi is raising this because they have interest or relationship to the supplier. He should be asked that,” Khan said.
Khan said the situation wasn’t affecting patients as suppliers were still supplying goods to the hospitals.
When asked about the question yesterday, Al-Rawi said he was disappointed in Khan’s response.
“I have no interest with any supplier other than the fact that people are suffering because $17 million worth of bills are outstanding to suppliers who have cut off supplies.
“Further, suppliers are not afraid that PNM would not pay them, that borders on lunacy. PNM has a track record of honouring all contracts. Dr Khan ought to know that the authority to pay on contracts to suppliers cannot be interfered with by ministerial discretion. The contract is between RHA and suppliers and NIPDEC.”
He said it was the ministry of health’s responsibility to ensure that the financing to RHA’s were in order.
“In the context where we witnessed full page ads for fireworks. It is irresponsibility of the highest order to prioritise fireworks over lives.”
“While elections get feverish, one must focus on the priorities. My raising of this issue is a matter of serious public concern.
“I am very disappointed that Dr Khan would respond to such a serious issue in the trivial and trite fashion. I would expect that he would treat the issue with the gravity it deserves so people would be confident that when they turn up at public health institutions their lives would not be put at risk,” Al-Rawi said.
CEO responds
SWRHA CEO Anil Gosine yesterday said the SWRHA had shortages from time to time but it was not more than the norm.
“Our ECGs are working because we have paper. There are also shortages of reagents from time to time but nobody is turned away.