Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar says one of the major recommendations they submitted at yesterday’s crime meeting with Government was for more law enforcement officers to take to the streets.
“More boots on the ground. I think that can happen very quickly,” Persad-Bissessar said during a news conference at the Office of the Opposition Leader, Charles Street, Port-of-Spain, hours after the 90-minute meeting with the Government, saying she was “hopeful” the discussions will produce positive results in the fight against crime.
“We went there in good faith to put our ideas. There were many who felt this thing was political ramajay and we were going there (to the meeting) to score points,” the former prime minister said
But she quickly dismissed that claim, saying she “didn’t want to score points, because I cannot live in this country and see children being gunned down on the streets and feel comfortable and happy.”
Persad-Bissessar admitted, however, that she had received many texts and email messages asking her “why you going and meet that man (PM) for?”
But she said that was not the issue, as the Opposition was committed to a good working relationship with the Government to deal with the issue of crime.
She said it was not impossible for there to be a good working relationship between the Government and the Opposition in the future.
Persad-Bissessar also dismissed claims that cooperating with the Government would not help the UNC regain power, noting she was confident her party could return to government again.
“We can win an election without battering or trying to kill each other.
“I honestly believe that,” she said.
Persad-Bissessar also insisted the opposition will continue to stand up against breaches to citizens’ constitutional rights and measures that were not in the best public interest.
On positives achieved at the meeting, Persad-Bissessar said the proposed change to the parliamentary committee on National Security could assist in creating a better working relationship between the two sides.
The chairman of that committee, Works and Transport Minister Fitzgerald Hinds, is to be removed and replaced by an Independent Senator.
Persad-Bissessar said a lot of the acrimony can be dealt with in this committee so that when the crime fighting legislation is brought to the Parliament for debate there can be agreement. —Richard Lord