Independent Liberal Party leader Jack Warner last night called on Legal Affairs Minister Prakash Ramadhar to tell the public whether he owns a US$125,000 condo in Miami which was purchased on June 8, 2012.
Warner raised the issue as he addressed supporters at the Angel Harps Panyard in Enterprise, Chaguanas.
He also questioned where Ramadhar obtained the funds to purchase the house and whether he had made the disclosure to the Integrity Commission. But he said he intended to investigate this himself.
“I am advised that this property was bought secretly but only the Prime Minister knows about it. He has two BMWs, a $4 million house in Champs Fleurs and this house in Miami.
“Where did Prakash get this money from? You understand why foreign exchange is so scarce,” Warner said.
He claimed one of the BMWs was owned by Ramadhar and the other by his wife.
Warner then turned the crowd’s attention to a screen on stage which showed photos of Ramadhar’s alleged Miami condo.
The shot showed the price of the house and who Ramadhar bought it from.
Warner then produced a second document which he described as a “government document” from the Miami State, which showed that the condo was located at 1625 South East, 10th Avenue, 707 Fort Lauderdale.
“That is the level of corruption. Let Prakash tell this country how in two years...a man who was living in a rented home...a man whose biggest case was Dole Chadee...a man who had trouble paying his bills...how he bought this condo,” Warner said.
In “busting” a second mark, Warner also alleged that Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar went to New York in 2010 and while attending a function, had to be taken to her car by former minister Winston “Gypsy” Peters after she became incapacitated and could not carry on.
“The things she did when she was Prime Minister will blow your mind,” he said, adding he had more on the PM but would only reveal it if she pushed him.