Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar opened the newly constructed Mayaro Fire Station on Sunday, one week before the country faces the polls to choose a government that will run the country for the next five years.
Speaking at the ceremony in Mayaro, Persad-Bissessar boasted that the facility was the first of its kind in T&T.
“This building is built to the latest international building standards and is expected to remain functional even after a hurricane or earthquake,” she said.
“That is because materials used include hurricane-resistant roofing materials and electricity. Such post-disaster buildings have a lifespan of 100 years.
“It is the first of its kind and a landmark for Mayaro, which the community can be proud of.”
Persad-Bissessar said there needs to be a change in attitude in citizens where fire prevention and education are concerned.
“The need to change our attitude toward fire safety is critical. If we are to develop the government’s economy then all sectors will need to work together with the Ministry of National Security to prevent unnecessary fires from taking place. We need to educate families and friends on fire safety and fire-prevention techniques.”
She said a proactive approach to fire prevention would not only save property, but lives as well.
“This proactive approach to fires will reduce the strain on the fire service as we continue to make a safer T&T. In some cases, the chief fire officer will tell you that fires lead not only to loss of property but loss of lives. Preparedness cannot be underestimated.”
She added that firefighters are also trained for search and rescue during natural disasters and it is her government’s goal to provide them with the necessary equipment and facilities.
“In addition to fighting fires they are trained in dealing with road accidents and swift road evacuation, urban search and rescue after natural disasters. All of these play a key role in fire prevention and safety. In the coming years we want to improve the quality of service and care attended by firefighters. It is only fitting that our firefighters are outfitted with state-of-the-art equipment to allow them to offer to the citizens of T&T.”
Her party’s candidate for Mayaro, Rushton Paray, Princes Town candidate Barry Padarath, Cumuto/Manzanilla candidate Christine Newallo-Hosein and Naparima candidate, Rodney Charles addressed supporters before Persad-Bissessar’s arrival.
Protest outside venue
Shortly before the arrival of Persad-Bissessar, a small group of people wearing PNM jerseys and waving flags gathered opposite the fire station. The group held up placards with messages like “Plenty for 20 Plan” and “Opening an incomplete building is a health and safety issue.”
They faced a line of UNC supporters, who waved their flags and blew their whistles at them.
When Persad-Bissessar arrived, she walked past the protesters without stopping and did the same when she was leaving after the ceremony.