The settlement of the multi-million dollar estate of former politician, religious leader and businessman Bhadase Sagan Maraj, who died more than 45 years ago, must be completed by November 30, a High Court judge has ordered.
As a result of this, Maraj’s son-in-law Satnarayan Maharaj is now calling on everyone who has a “legitimate interest” in this estate to submit their written claims together with supporting documents by May 27.
This is expected to bring an end to the long-standing legal battles surrounding Maraj’s estate.
In a judgement dated November 12, last year, Justice Joan Charles expressed concern that the administration of the estate had not proceeded in an “orderly fashion.”
Maraj died in 1971.
In her judgment, Charles urged Maharaj to finalise the sale of lands at Enterprise, Chaguanas, to the State “at the earliest opportunity” so that the administration of the estate of Maraj can be completed.
According to the judgment, Maharaj said the lands in Enterprise are “fully occupied by squatters” and he was in negotiations with the State to purchase the lands.
Maharaj said he did not accept the State’s offer of $3 million for the 250 acres of land.
Ramola Ramesar, the legal personal representative of Rachel Ramesar, otherwise Rachel Chinibas who is deceased, filed a lawsuit against Satnarayan Maharaj and Jagdise Sagan Maraj in the matter of the estate of Bhadase Sagan Maraj.
Jagdise Sagan Maraj has since died.
Maharaj is now the “sole surviving representative” of Maraj’s estate.
Ramesar is entitled to a quarter share of the lands at Enterprise, Chaguanas.
By summons dated August 15, 2008, Ramesar sought nine reliefs from the court including the payment of over $400,000 to her, which represented her share of the rental income from the Bomb Newspaper in Curepe, for the period 1979 to August 2005.
On May 24, 2002 Justice Nolan Bereaux ordered that the administration of Maraj’s estate be completed by June 3, 2003.
Justice Carlton Best eventually extended the time for the administration of the estate to February 25, 2004.
These orders were not complied with.
Maraj bequeathed five per cent of the value of his estate to the SDMS.
Maharaj said he had not retained any of the income from properties sold in order to satisfy this request.
Charles said Maharaj must “comply with the law” and pay the “Residuary legatees the balance of their respective shares of the estate when due—that is, upon completion of the administration of the estate.
Charles said on completion of the administration of the estate, Maharaj should pay Ramesar the sums due to her for her share of the property at Enterprise as well as her portion of the rental income due from the Bomb Newspaper.
“Given the length of time that has elapsed between the commencement of this administration to the present I order that (Maharaj) complete the administration of this estate by November 30, 2016,” Charles stated.
On Tuesday, Maharaj began placing advertisements in the newspaper calling for those with a legitimate interest in Maraj’s estate to come forward.