The woman whose 16-year-old daughter shot dead her stepfather, prison officer Robert Seecharan, has committed suicide. Sherry-Ann Seecharan, 36, took her own life by drinking poison at her sister’s home in Barrackpore.
Sherry-Ann’s mother Samdaye Rangoo is blaming her death on the failure of police to provide counseling for Sherry-Ann, 36, and her children following the tragic events they endured. Yesterday marked two weeks since Robert was shot by Mohini Ganase, 16, to stop him assaulting her mother along Penal Rock Road, Barrackpore.
Yesterday Sherry Ann, after bathing and drinking poison, started to calmly discuss her funeral arrangements. It took a while for her alarmed relatives to understand what was going on.
“(Her sister) Elizabeth didn’t know why so was talking like that, but is only when she start to froth up, she realise that Sherry Ann drink poison
Read full story in tomorrow's Guardian