Several bands and individuals paraded before the panel of judges at the annual Chaguanas Children’s Carnival on Sunday before hundreds of spectators.
Vashtee Persad, adviser to the Committee, said in an interview that, “this year’s Children’s Carnival has surpassed previous ones, and this is an indication that Carnival and Carnival activities would blossom during this season and this trend will spill over into future celebrations.”
“I am amazed at the creativity and artistry and originality of the bands and individuals. This year’s show is now a turning point. The crowd was encouraging,” Persad said.
Co-ordinator of the Carnival celebrations in Central Trinidad—Couva, Chaguanas, Tabaquite and Longdenville, Councillor Ronald Heera, who also sits in as Chairman of the Chaguanas celebrations, “there were differences this year because we visited over 25 primary schools in the area, and sought their participation and what we are seeing today is because of the direct contact with them.”
“Chaguanas Children’s Carnival is one of the history books. It has captured the imagination of the hundreds of patrons who accompanied their little ones, either playing mas or just looking on. The time we invested in planning and producing the programme was worth it.”
Former Mayor of Chaguanas, who is a member of the Committee, Orlando Nagessar noted that there was, “a progressive higher level in the presentations today, and we can look forward to brighter and bigger Carnival for 2016.”
Among the bands paraded were: “No Bars, Bouncy Castle. Jab Jab Whip Masters, Carol and family, Fairy Tales, Pride In Our Local Industries, Birds of A Feather Flock, Baby Dolls and Not So Traditional.”
One of the highlights of the Carnival was the presentation of the Police Youth Committee which produced three bands from Tabaquite, Cunupia and Gran Couva, and which were supervised by head of the Central Division Senior Supt Jayson Forde.
All of the bands and individuals displayed enthusiasm and creativity.
Police have confirmed that the show was incident free.