Senior counsel Gilbert Peterson yesterday resigned from his position as director of the board of Guardian Media Ltd (GML) following last week’s announcement he was nominated to head Government’s Telecommunications Authority of T&T (TATT) board.
Peterson, in a letter to GML board chairman Grenfell Kissoon, said his resignation was as a result of his decision to accept the nomination to the position as chairman of TATT.
Communication Minister Maxie Cuffie announced him for the TATT board on January 28 at a post-Cabinet press conference.
Since the announcement, Opposition and social media sites have queried whether Peterson’s position on the GML board would be a conflict of interest with the TATT post and if the public and corporate media sector of T&T would be assured of fair treatment from the board due to his “longstanding membership on the GML board.”
Contacted on the situation, Peterson said yesterday: “If I take up the Telecom board position, I won’t hold posts on both (Telecom and GML) boards.”
GML Chairman Grenfell Kissoon said that Peterson has always made insightful and valuable contributions to the deliberations of the board.
“I wish to convey the gratitude of the board, and to wish him success in his new role,” Kissoon said.