In 2007, the birth of Renelle Joseph would have been a Christmas gift to her family.
When she was born, three days before the holidays, she had just one leg.
Renelle’s mother, Leona Ollivere, said all went well for her baby to enter this world and she did all the necessary procedures, including five ultrasounds.
Leona, now 27, said: “Renelle was the first of everything for her family, a daughter, granddaughter and a niece. Knowing that Renelle was born with a disability, the questions were whether she would be able to take care of herself and be able to fit in this world.”
As the years passed, Leona, who lives in Longdenville, said Renelle started to do extraordinary things with just one leg.
She started to speak early and she was always eager to learn and she quickly devised her own way to move around, using her three limbs.
“The time had come to get Renelle in school,” Leona said. “I was afraid of the environment but again I was wrong, Renelle fitted in school like any other child but she has to use a wheelchair.”
Renelle is a Standard Two student of Longdenville Government Primary School.
She contends her school has also made extra accommodations for her by allowing her classes on the ground floor.
“Renelle is an A student. She loves to read and write. Her teacher, Ms Ragoonanan, said Renelle is one of her best students who can read,” she added.
Renelle is registered at the Princess Elizabeth Home since she was three years old but about eight months ago she was sent to the Wendy Fitzwilliam Paediatric Hospital, Mt Hope, but since then is on the waiting list to be able to access prosthesis.
So far, Leona said they are waiting on Government funding to access the prosthesis. She said that since the last time they visited they have not heard anything from the hospital as to what is Renelle’s position.
Leona said Renelle could walk once she got the prosthesis and she might have to do a surgery on her single leg.
“I will not trade Renelle for anything else in the world as I always tell her God has her that way for a reason,” she said.
Little Renelle said her wish is to walk and she intends to do just that since she wants to become a doctor to help others.
Already, Renelle has been asking the question, Leona said, and this hurts not being able to give her the opportunity to walk.
She said once Renelle is able to walk she will move mountains as with just three limbs she puts on her own clothes, uses the bathroom by herself and at times prepares small meals.
“I want to see Renelle make a difference and I know she will do it despite all,” she added.
Renelle was very enthusiastic to show us how she moves around, a technique which devised from a toddler.
First, she has an array of gloves.
A simple process, Renelle puts on her one-sided shoe and then her gloves and then using her arms and leg moves around quickly and doing what any normal child her age will do.
Renelle intends to lead a normal life and hopes her dream of walking will become a reality soon.