The People’s Partnership (PP) 2015 general election manifesto is geared to tackling the country’s number one problem—crime—and police will be mandated to roll out plans to deal with “hotspots” within 30 days of a new PP administration, according to Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar.
The PM spoke about the manifesto yesterday, along with manifesto architect Dr Bhoe Tewarie at yesterday’s launch of the document at Aranguez North Secondary School. The title of the 112-page document is 20 Pledges for 2020—Kamla’s Plan.
Both she and Tewarie made it clear the title was not the same as the Patrick Manning PNM administration’s “Vision 2020 Plan” which gave the year 2020 as the timeframe for achieving certain proposals.
The PP manifesto details 20 pledges towards nation building and people-centred development over the upcoming five-year term which the PP plans to implement if successful in the September 7 election.
It provides specific, achievable goals for the People’s Partnership Government to undertake and deliver on over the next five years focusing on the economy and jobs, crime, healthcare, education, homes, transport, broadband connectivity, gender equality, water, sport and good governance.
The PM added, “We can continue to build a better T&T by keeping our economy on track, continuing to invest in education and skills training to help people get better jobs, taking a zero-tolerance approach to crime, so people feel safe and protected, delivering quality healthcare and building crucial infrastructure to link our communities and improve lives.”
Persad-Bissessar added, “The PP remains committed to ridding our country of the blight of crime and to preserving law and order. Crime and law and order remain the number one issue facing our country and this is our top priority for our second term in office: Take a zero-tolerance approach to crime. In our next term in office, we will continue the emphasis on more effective law enforcement, policing and border control.
“We will also strengthen surveillance and control of our territorial borders to stem the illegal entry of goods and people.”
She said the PP also had a plan to undertake certain action in the first 30 days of a new term including mandating the police to roll out its “hot spot” plans, community patrols and policing overall.
The 30-day plan also includes campaign finance reform proposals, dealing with the squatter regularisation law and piloting the 2016 budget which has to be in place by the end of October. She said several sections of the procurement law were proclaimed on July 29 and more would be in the new term.
She said the PP also planned to have all complicated legislation perused by joint select committees before they were debated.
The PM’s pledges
n Heathcare
Provide improved free care at 105 health centres across the country and at hospitals for all pregnant mothers, babies and infants
n Education
Provide a place for every child at early childhood level, at primary and secondary school. Improve the quality of education for all, school by school. Develop and roll out a Comprehensive School Curriculum from the pre-primary to secondary education level.
n Crime and public safety
Commitment to rid the country of the blight of crime and to ensure law and order. Crime and law and order remain the number one issue facing our country and this is our top priority for our second term in office. Take a zero-tolerance approach to crime. In our next term in office, we will continue the emphasis on more effective law enforcement, policing and border control. We will also strengthen surveillance and control of our territorial borders to stem the illegal entry of goods and people.
n Clean water
Clean water supplies are vital. We have brought clean water supplies to 70 per cent of the population and will continue the development of water supplies with the construction of another 1,000 kilometres of pipeline.
n Local infrastructure and major projects
Continue to link communities by building the Point Fortin Highway to San Fernando and Fyzabad, San Fernando to Mayaro Highway and the Port-of-Spain to Chaguaramas Highway/Causeway. Alleviate traffic problems. Transit hubs will be constructed in Chaguanas, Arima and St Augustine. Dedicated school bus transportation and bus services for industrial estate workers will be developed. Two dedicated, predictable rapid transit bus systems from North to South and East to West will be introduced.
n The economy and jobs
Will double export of locally manufactured products by 2020
Will increase employment in manufacturing by 50 per cent by 2020
Expect to see a doubling of exports in services by 2020 and a doubling of the number of jobs as well.
Growth poles (economic centres) will be created in key areas to create jobs
The green economy in T&T will be developed creating jobs, new businesses and economic growth. The blue economy will be developed helping the coastal communities of T&T rely on their aquatic resources for their survival. We will develop the silver economy to benefit our older citizens and stimulate our economy as a whole.
n Homes
Help every family who needs a home to find a way to acquire one, through jobs, through programmes such as squatter regularisation, land for the landless, low-cost mortgages, and home acquisition supported by the HDC.
n Broadband
We are committed to the continuing development of a comprehensive broadband network.
n Gender Equality
We will address the issue of equal pay for equal work by men and women.
n Sport
Transform the Tarouba facility into the Tarouba Sport Academy.
n Good Governance
Ensure good governance through procurement reform; an enlightened political party financing regime; free and fair elections; and strong, independent institutions.